Thursday, December 4, 2014

technically not late

Today's song is a classic. Truthfully, I only came around to it a few
years ago. I didn't get it at all when I was younger but now I just
find it to be downright charming. I guess it's somewhat sombre, but
that's OK. Maybe it's because Bowie used to be all about the Labyrinth
and then about late 90s Bowie to me? And then all about 80s Bowie? I don't
know, I really don't have an excuse. I am noticing though there have been many different Bowies over the years. I've always appreciated artists who can reinvent themselves that way, continue to push themselves creatively.
In any case, it's a lovely duet.

It's The Little Drummber Boy / Peace on Earth by Bing Crosby & David

Christmas Musical Advent Calendar
01. Elastica - Gloria 
02. U2 - Christmas, Baby Please Come Home
03. Eurythmics - Winter Wonderland
04. Bing Crosby & David Bowie - The Little Drummer Boy / Peace On Earth

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

the fun thing about blogging is that you can actually schedule posts ahead of time, so i'm not sure why it was so difficult for me to get something on here yesterday (oh yeah, i had a massive sinus headache because why not?)
but this is not a place for complaints! this is a place for happiness! in the form of christmas tunes!
i know, i know. many would groan over the addition of the following but this is My Christmas List and if you want to go ahead and make your own, you are more than welcome to do so. i invite you to do so! i would love to listen to it! really. here is a video from one of my all-time favourite bands: Christmas, Baby Please Come Home by U2.
Not only is this song perfectly charming, but remember when Bono had long hair? And look at that vest! It kind of resembles a shawl I made for my mother for Christmas a few years ago! Look:

This is All The Shades of Truth as designed by Laura Aylor by me (that's a link to my Ravelry project page). Hm, this is the most complete photo I have of the thing, which is to say that I apparently don't have photos of the completed project?? Well add that to the list of things to do over Christmas when I'm visiting the family I guess. Oops. In any case, it was knitted in 2012 out of the following colours of Madelinetosh tosh merino light: antique lace, rosewood, fragrant, smokey orchid, and thicket. Here they are for your viewing pleasure:

Oh and since I missed yesterday's song, here's another. I'll try to be better about that in the future, sorry!
Winter Wonderland by Eurythmics. Enjoy!:

Christmas Musical Advent Calendar
01. Elastica - Gloria 
02. U2 - Christmas, Baby Please Come Home
03. Eurythmics - Winter Wonderland

Monday, December 1, 2014

December 1 - Elastica - Gloria

so i love lists. i mean, who doesn't like lists? and i love christmas. and i love music too. and music about christmas as well.

how better to bring all of those loves together than with a christmas advent calendar?

i must warn you: i am an 80s-born 90s music fangirl so the music may definitely sway in that direction but i promise to mix in some classics as well (who can even get through december without listening to some bing crosby while sipping on hot chocolate? not this girl. that's for sure)

it's december 1st. let's celebrate with some elastica! shall we? elastica has long been one of those bands whose albums i wish i'd picked up, and whose shows i wish i'd attended. this song is a bit tougher-sounding than some of their other stuff, but i just love it. i haven't met an elastica song i didn't love, so maybe it's time i listened to more of them?

(ps you may be aware that halloween is long gone. i'll be honest, i didn't complete my costume in time. sigh. but there's always next year. you'll just have to wait in suspense until then to know what i got up to for that)

Christmas Musical Advent Calendar
01. Elastica - Gloria